I am adding this page because I have been subject to hate messages from people who say that I am a Jew-hater and an antisemite. I was disgusted to recieve such messages. Those messages reflect more on the senders than they realize. I have been concerned with the welfare of children and youth in trouble for most of my life. First as a Big Brother and later as an organizer of Operation Go Home and National Operation Go Home, which morphed into Resource Assistance for Youth (RayInc.ca). These organizations were concerned with the wellbeing of youth, UNCONDITIONALLY!!! Naturally, when I see youth suffering from bombings in Gaza, I want to speak up against atrocities that are immoral and illegal. My 'crime' was to publicly denounce Israel, Prime Minister Netanyahu, and all his warmongering cronies and supporters who believe that their bombings are an apt response to the horrific atrocities of Hamas against Israeli citizens and visitors. I believe there are times when countries must go to war but they must adhere to the Geneva and Hague Conventions or face sanctions and prosecutions for war crimes. I most strongly state that the Israeli side has and is committing war crimes. But so to, Hamas has and is also culpable of war crimes.
To my mind, that supporters of Israel conflate denunciation of war crimes with being an antisemite is hateful, unhelpful, and even libel / defamation. I stand by my history of unconditional support of all children and I denounce those who are quick to call every counter position to Israel's indiscriminate bombing as anti-semitic.
I wish PEACE to all, especially the children and the wild fauna of this world. My heart goes out to you.